Biodiversity & Taxonomy Software Tools in R

Scott Chamberlain ( @sckottie/@ropensci)

UC Berkeley / rOpenSci

hemlsley foundation



rOpenSci Does





Questions addressed using our software

Citations of rOpenSci Biodiv Software


package citations
ritis 1
taxa 1
worrms 1


package citations
spocc 8
rfisheries 2
rredlist 2
rvertnet 2
AntWeb 1
pangaear 1
rotl 8

use case 1

Hodgins, K. A., Turner, et al. (2015). Comparative genomics in the Asteraceae reveals little evidence for parallel evolutionary change in invasive taxa. Mol Ecol, 24(9), 2226–2240. 10.1111/mec.13026

in the methods section:

... using the Encyclopedia of Life invasive species comprehensive list, which was accessed programmatically on August 12, 2014 using the taxize package in R .

use case 2

Hodgins, K. A., Turner, et al. (2015). Comparative genomics in the Asteraceae reveals little evidence for parallel evolutionary change in invasive taxa. Mol Ecol, 24(9), 2226–2240. 10.1111/mec.13026

in the methods section:

... we used rOpenSci’s worrms package in R to standardize spellings of species names and synonyms ...


  • taxa - Taxonomic classes and taxonomically aware data manipulation

  • taxize - Taxonomic "toolbelt" - work w/ taxonomy web APIs

  • taxizedb - taxize, but with local SQL databases

  • rentrez - NCBI's Entrez, including taxonomy

  • worrms - WORMS web service

  • ritis - USGS's ITIS web service

  • ... many others

R taxonomy task view:

Taxonomic data from >20 sources - taxize

always try to move from:

  • taxonomic name -- to

  • taxonomic ID -- to

  • whatever other data
    (e.g., synonyms, classifications, etc.)

Occurrence data

GBIF p.s.

we also maintain GBIF clients in Python and Ruby

future work /
hard problems

taxonomy tools: in the works

  • taxonomic name parsing: fast & platform independent for other R tool builders & tools for R users (see pegax poster)

  • package taxa: needs more user testing - feedback plz!

  • package taxadc: serialize R taxonomic data to Darwin Core- in early development

  • package taxizedb - hard to a) make similar interface to SQL DB's as web services & 2) simplify varied database installs

  • package taxview - summarise and visualize data sets from with respect to taxonomy

Summarise/visualize data sets by taxonomy

coming ...

occurrence tools: in the works

  • taking the pain out of GBIF downloads: ropensci/rgbif#266: queuing tool for GBIF downloads - hard problem

  • occurrence cleaning in R: hard problem! A few efforts:

occurrence tools: questions

  • DOIs for GBIF search service (and other services)?

  • related to above: Sharing dataset associated with paper

  • Visualzing huge occurrence datasets? (GBIF map API now in dev ver of rgbif ~ rgbif::map_fetch)

talk to us

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discussion forum:

submit a package/review a package:

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