getting help w/ ropensci software

Scott Chamberlain (@sckottie/@ropensci)

UC Berkeley / rOpenSci

places/ways to get help

read the documentation

always notify us if documentation is not good enough!

open issues in the github repository

should always be a link to the issue tracker on CRAN page for rOpenSci packages

we nudge in right direction w/ issue templates

ask on Stackoverflow

apply [ropensci] tag if applicable

ask on ropensci discussion forum

appropriate for technical/non-technical questions, community questions, use cases, etc.

email the maintainer

ideally move to public forum - but exceptions (private data, uncomfortable in public)

email address for maintainer in all rOpenSci & all R packages


we're usually quite fast to respond on the twitters

methods and what they're good for

method good for
read docs appropriate every time!
github issue problem specific to a package - bugs/feature reqeusts
ask on Stackoverflow general R questions - see [ropensci] tag
ask on ropensci discussion forum ropensci package specific (technical or not) - & lots of other things
email the maintainer private data - uncomfortable with public forums - otherwise try public
twitter must be brief of course (e.g., ask for links to resources) - usually kicks off conversation elsewhere

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