scott talks

  staypuft: object validation and serialization - useR 2020 - online

  HTTP Requests for Users & Package Developers - useR 2019 - 2019-07-11

  S3 Objects - pdxrlang R meetup - 2019-04-30

  Biodiversity & Taxonomy Software Tools @ rOpenSci - rOpenSci community call - 2019-03-27

  Phylogeny Based Biodiversity Data Queries - talk at TDWG 2018, Dunedin, New Zealand - 2018-08-29

  Harnessing the Power of Open Data on the Web - talk at JSM, Vancouver - 2018-07-31

  taxonomic data methods for R & Python - talk at Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC), Portland - 2018-06-27

  pegax: Fast Taxonomic Name Parsing in R - poster at Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference, Berkeley- 2018-06-04

  Biodiversity and Taxonomy Software Tools in R - talk at Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference, Berkeley- 2018-06-04

  Working with Scholarly Text w/ rOpenSci Tools - talk at rOpenSci Meetup - 2018-03-12

  Open Science / Research w/ R featuring rOpenSci - talk for CDC R user group - 2018-02-22

  Open and reproducible research with R (and web scraping!) - at University of Oregon, Eugene, OR - 2017-10-30

  The Taxonomic and Biodiversity Software Stack in R - at TDWG meeting, Ottawa, Canada - 2017-10-06

  BIEN API - at Ecological Society of America meeting, Portland, OR - 2017-08-09

  Cultivating Community around software and data - at Ecological Society of America meeting, Portland, OR - 2017-08-07

  Open and reproducible science with R - guest lecture at University of Oregon, Eugene, OR - 2017-05-09

  rOpenSci - Biodiversity Data in R - Exploring Synergies and Sustainability for Biodiversity Information Systems, Frankfurt, Germany - 2017-03-29

  getting help w/ ropensci software - 2017-03-07

  scraping/etc. open data in R - 2017-03-04

  idiv: taxonomy & climate - 2017-02-07

  Open science, R & rOpenSci - Symposium: Open Source Systems in the Public Sector Jan 24, 2017

  Open science and R - Symposium: Open Source Systems in the Public Sector Jan 23, 2017

  scientific software review - Dat Meetup Dec 14, 2016

  Software & best practices to facilitate open science - Philo­sophy And His­tory Of Open Sci­ence Nov 30-Dec 1, 2016

my talk starts at ~ 7:26:00

  request - easier HTTP requests - Portland R meetup group, July 12th, 2016

  Thinking programmatically - keynote talk Crossref Annual Meeting, Nov. 18th, 2015

  Crossref clients - R, Python, Ruby - Crossref Annual Meeting, Nov. 17th, 2015

  solr - an R client for Apache Solr - SFBay Apache Lucene/Solr Meetup at Stanford, Aug. 20th, 2015

  Building tools and community for open and reproducible research - Simon Fraser University, Nov. 7th, 2014

  Cultivating open and reproducible science - University of Georgia, Sep. 26th, 2014

  A Data Toolkit for Open Science - Montreal QCBS meeting, Dec. 11-13, 2013

  Lightning talk on rOpenSci - Vancouver R Users Group, Oct 29th, 2013

  Article-level impact for web native scholarship - Simon Fraser University Library, Oct. 25th, 2013

  Programmatic access for Altmetrics - PLOS Article-Level Metrics Workshop, Oct. 10th, 2013

  Open source softwar - Ecological Society of America (ESA) 2013, Aug. 6th, 2013

  USGS App contest first place award talk - June 12th, 2013

  BES Big Data talk - British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Dec. 19th, 2012

  Variation in species interaction outcomes - University of Calgary Seminar, Sep. 28th, 2012

  rOpenSci - facilitating open and reproducible science - Vancouver R Users Group, Aug. 28th, 2012